Few events have exposed such a sharp generational divide as the pandemic. Despite all the mysteries surrounding the virus, one of the few certainties is that people over 70 are much more vulnerable to Covid-19. Yet, amid the economic onslaught that coronavirus has wrought, it is those under 40 who have suffered the biggest economic blow.
In effect, the young feel they have had their lives upended in order to save as many of the old as possible. - ft.com
First, there was the vote for Scottish Independence. The young voted for independence, the old voted to stay in the Union.
Then, we had the financial crisis with the banks and money men bankrupting the economy and the young being told they and their children will have to pay the debt.
Then, we had Brexit - the young voted to remain and the old voted to leave.
Now, we have Covid-19 with the young having to make huge sacrifices to keep the old alive.
As a 57-year-old, I consider myself old, certainly older than a recessional. I have only recently come to terms with facing up to the distinct probability that I have acted in unconsciously racists ways in the past having to search my conscience prompted by the BLM movement.
Now I find myself questioning whether the huge humanity shown by the Government to preserve the lives of the most vulnerable, which are predominantly the elderly, will actually cause devastating long term harm and massive psychological and material damage on the young. I understand the need to protect the NHS from being overwhelmed but now we have the much-increased capacity, we have to let go and return to normal with those who are vulnerable being shielded.
According to the ONS, 90% of those who sadly passed away had pre-existing health conditions. Hardly anyone under the age of 50 died yet it is this age group that is immediately suffering from job losses and will have to pay for the massive increase in borrowing. As will their children and future generations to come.
Over 400,000 students graduate this year without jobs to move into and start paying down their student debt.
At Aspire we recruit in digital media, marketing, research and insight, technology, and sales - the applications per role are rising rapidly. We have 25% of the volume of roles that we are used to at this time of year and lots of excellent candidates.
Lockdown is easing but needs to be accelerated fast and we just need to take our chances. I am sad for those who have died. I am sad for those families and friends. I am in awe of the NHS professionals who treated Covid-19 patients and to all key workers who have helped. But we now must move on and move quickly before young people's futures are badly damaged and mental health becomes a bigger killer than Covid-19.
Yes, that means more elderly and vulnerable are at risk if they come into contact with the virus without a vaccine to protect them but it seems pointless saving the elderly if we destroy the economy and the young.I am sure if I had lost a relative or had family in a care home I might think differently, but that isn't the case for me.
I do have recessional children, they are doing ok, but many of their friends are not and for me, the future is more important to fix than the past.
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