Video Call ongoing
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At Aspire, we are also encouraging all our candidates to record a short video profile introducing themselves. Think of this as a cover letter in video form which the client will see before shortlisting you for interview.

For many, this is still a very new concept, but you don’t need to worry. With these top tips you will feel more prepared and confident on video.

1. Ensure you’ve pre-prepared

Nothing is more important than reminding yourself of the job description, so you understand what the hirer is looking for, and being able to mention how you match that profile.

2. Plan a quick introduction to summarise your experience

Have your CV to hand and highlight the main points you wish to emphasise that make you the ideal candidate for the job without going on for too long. Three points as rule of thumb.

3. Research questions you may be asked before the interview

Pre-prepare some answers that prove you are more than skilled enough to be considered further. This might mean calculating how much you overachieved your previous targets beforehand.

4. Check your connection the day before

Whether you have a zoom link, a Microsoft Teams invite or a different kind of online tool to access your interview, ensure you check it works okay on your internet before the day.

5. Minimise the disruption around you

Ensure your family or housemates respect that you need quiet and privacy for your interview. A quick tidy up of your well-lit room so you interview with a neat background is helpful, and also, check that your interviewer can see you clearly by turning on your camera.

6. Try recording yourself or mock-up a video interview with a friend

You might not be comfortable interviewing online, but that’s okay. You’re not expected to be a professional presenter. Answer questions with a friend and remember to be clear and concise.

7. Treat it like a real-life meeting

It might not feel natural, but if you imagine it as if you’re meeting in-person, you will relax a little more. It’s okay if you stutter or pause, just ask for a reminder of the question and start again.

8. Dress appropriately for your interview

You might not be physically leaving your house but ensure you’re just as well-groomed as you would be if you were. Remember to change out of your pyjamas, even if they’re not visible.

9. Remember to charge your device and consider a back up

Show initiative by ensuring the interviewer has your mobile number if something may disrupt the video interview. And don’t forget to charge your computer, laptop or phone.

10. Add a bit of personality

Think about what will give your video the edge. Although you’ve been practicing, it’s better to sound like you, reflecting the passion you have for the job. So remember to smile and feel confident.

If you have any more suggestions, it would be great to hear them too.

All the best for your job search using video interviews.

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