The city authorities in Beijing have announced plans to criminalise criticism of traditional Chinese medicine amid rising opposition to its use by doctors and outrage at its exploitation of endangered animals.- The Times
Experts suggest that the current pandemic was most likely created by the proximity between live animals and food for human consumption at a 'wet' market in Wuhan, China. They suggest that a bat and a pangolin are the likely carriers.
These trade-in, exotic and rare animals are pushing some species to the brink of extinction when there is no credible proof that animals' parts have any medical benefits. We know the reverse is true with Covid and Sars, the diseases passed on by animals and deadly to humans.
Instead of recognizing this seemingly obvious fact, it seems that a doctor in China can now be jailed for criticizzing the use of endangered animals in traditional medicine. In fact, President Xi calls it the jewel in China's crown.
A jewel that leaves an irreparable scar on the plains of Africa and lasting damage to the vital tourism industry on the continent.
China's current threat to take Taiwan by force, its illegal activities in the South China Seas, and the imposition of draconian laws on Hong Kong should have the most reasonable people thinking it was time to make a personal decision. To take a stand, create a personal sanction.
But then Amazon delivers our latest purchase, made in China. We Whatsapp our friends on our mobile with parts made in China. We share our videos on Tiktok, a Chinese company. We may bank at HSBC or Standard Chartered who have publicly supported China's draconian new laws for Hong Kong.
Our PPE may come from China, the vaccine may also come from China, so how will you balance your morals versus your consumer habits?
And what about the world of work with looming rises in unemployment? How fussy will we bit when out of work? Will we mind who has invested in the business we work for? Or will it still matter?
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